
Contact The Bulldog today

Let us host your event, book your band or just give us some feedback!

INSTAGRAM - @bulldoglafayette
TWITTER - @BdogLaf
SNAPCHAT - @bulldoglaf
FACEBOOK - The Bulldog, Lafayette Louisiana

Thank you for visiting the website of The Bulldog. Our local bar is home to tasty drinks, food and live music in Lafayette, LA.

Please use the form on this page to email us, or simply feel free to message us on all social media platforms. You can also call 337-484-3192 to speak with us immediately.


  • The Bulldog

    109 General Mouton Avenue
    Lafayette, LA 70501


    Call Us
    Phone: (337) 484-3192

    Mon: 4:00PM-2:00AM
    Tue: 4:00PM-2:00AM
    Wed: 4:00PM-2:00AM
    Thu: 4:00PM-2:00AM
    Fri: 4:00PM-2:00AM
    Sat: 4:00PM-2:00AM
    Sun: 4:00PM-12:00AM

Contact Form